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Words of the day
Words for 2011
01/01/2011 progressive
02/01/2011 romaic
03/01/2011 black
04/01/2011 yesternight
05/01/2011 Tortricidae
06/01/2011 frost
07/01/2011 applicant
08/01/2011 cast
09/01/2011 whistle
10/01/2011 authenticated
11/01/2011 bisexual
12/01/2011 mesophyte
13/01/2011 fanaticism
14/01/2011 ignorantness
15/01/2011 plonk
16/01/2011 recompense
17/01/2011 NARA
18/01/2011 deprive
19/01/2011 Amberboa
20/01/2011 sale
21/01/2011 cornerstone
22/01/2011 ASAT
23/01/2011 bed
24/01/2011 clyster
25/01/2011 Milton
26/01/2011 ichneumon
27/01/2011 example
28/01/2011 whoreson
29/01/2011 salt
30/01/2011 implantation
31/01/2011 Klaipeda
01/02/2011 glowing
02/02/2011 embattle
03/02/2011 unsaturated
04/02/2011 trapping
05/02/2011 shave
06/02/2011 Cusco
07/02/2011 dash
08/02/2011 lazar
09/02/2011 branch
10/02/2011 generousness
11/02/2011 Singhalese
12/02/2011 timing
13/02/2011 expound
14/02/2011 grey
15/02/2011 studiedly
16/02/2011 allotropical
17/02/2011 digitalis
18/02/2011 oscilloscope
19/02/2011 sorely
20/02/2011 yard
21/02/2011 silver
22/02/2011 doings
23/02/2011 barracoon
24/02/2011 escalope
25/02/2011 schlockmeister
26/02/2011 gavotte
27/02/2011 mungo
28/02/2011 ambiance
01/03/2011 woods
02/03/2011 oroide
03/03/2011 bent
04/03/2011 waist
05/03/2011 harbinger
06/03/2011 conjurer
07/03/2011 Dusseldorf
08/03/2011 deposition
09/03/2011 mumbler
10/03/2011 announcer
11/03/2011 spoonfeeding
12/03/2011 parchment
13/03/2011 jar
14/03/2011 sin
15/03/2011 Bonn
16/03/2011 forsaking
17/03/2011 nanomia
18/03/2011 kopiyka
19/03/2011 workplace
20/03/2011 microdot
21/03/2011 overexposure
22/03/2011 input
23/03/2011 magnetization
24/03/2011 fluegelhorn
25/03/2011 feculent
26/03/2011 make
27/03/2011 skate
28/03/2011 coquet
29/03/2011 cuplike
30/03/2011 stitching
31/03/2011 siphon
01/04/2011 smelt
02/04/2011 vulcanize
03/04/2011 flam
04/04/2011 allottee
05/04/2011 datum
06/04/2011 cultivate
07/04/2011 parlance
08/04/2011 Houyhnhnm
09/04/2011 chargeable
10/04/2011 variety
11/04/2011 whichever
12/04/2011 M.M.
13/04/2011 allowance
14/04/2011 therefore
15/04/2011 exposure
16/04/2011 testee
17/04/2011 acceptation
18/04/2011 anthropomorphite
19/04/2011 Grahame
20/04/2011 accomplishable
21/04/2011 enlisting
22/04/2011 bergall
23/04/2011 concavity
24/04/2011 blip
25/04/2011 Jeremiah
26/04/2011 congregation
27/04/2011 risk
28/04/2011 misperceive
29/04/2011 sawtooth
30/04/2011 crookbacked
01/05/2011 Rhus
02/05/2011 moire
03/05/2011 saucer
04/05/2011 guerrilla
05/05/2011 decrease
06/05/2011 aircraftman
07/05/2011 Carthaginian
08/05/2011 Africander
09/05/2011 work
10/05/2011 etiologic
11/05/2011 Carum
12/05/2011 melanic
13/05/2011 trend
14/05/2011 thing
15/05/2011 indecorous
16/05/2011 outguess
17/05/2011 smotherer
18/05/2011 verbatim
19/05/2011 molle
20/05/2011 approach
21/05/2011 modelling
22/05/2011 Aetobatus
23/05/2011 jerk
24/05/2011 enemy
25/05/2011 domestic
26/05/2011 Kuvi
27/05/2011 appro
28/05/2011 spike
29/05/2011 evolute
30/05/2011 inexistence
31/05/2011 blindfolded
01/06/2011 Stizolobium
02/06/2011 martagon
03/06/2011 launch
04/06/2011 knowledgeable
05/06/2011 oestrogen
06/06/2011 ethereal
07/06/2011 browse
08/06/2011 pitch
09/06/2011 bedside
10/06/2011 usurp
11/06/2011 gent
12/06/2011 precede
13/06/2011 soleus
14/06/2011 asper
15/06/2011 adversity
16/06/2011 matriarch
17/06/2011 Onosmodium
18/06/2011 antitumor
19/06/2011 quarrelsome
20/06/2011 varicose
21/06/2011 Peronosporaceae
22/06/2011 rotatable
23/06/2011 aminotransferase
24/06/2011 trachyte
25/06/2011 Datura
26/06/2011 knee
27/06/2011 noise
28/06/2011 measuring
29/06/2011 swordsman
30/06/2011 unattainable
01/07/2011 maximising
02/07/2011 fanciful
03/07/2011 preference
04/07/2011 distance
05/07/2011 Podaxaceae
06/07/2011 vibrant
07/07/2011 fume
08/07/2011 tiny
09/07/2011 workaholic
10/07/2011 celebrate
11/07/2011 stone
12/07/2011 plumbed
13/07/2011 Ambrosian
14/07/2011 trenchancy
16/07/2011 modesty
17/07/2011 puffing
18/07/2011 topline
19/07/2011 misusage
20/07/2011 lift
21/07/2011 decorousness
22/07/2011 worshipping
23/07/2011 mishpachah
24/07/2011 slabber
25/07/2011 extrusion
26/07/2011 restriction
27/07/2011 summery
28/07/2011 gravidation
29/07/2011 fractiously
30/07/2011 regular
31/07/2011 horse
01/08/2011 provisory
02/08/2011 epilate
03/08/2011 know
04/08/2011 pigman
05/08/2011 crummy
06/08/2011 last
07/08/2011 brail
08/08/2011 Lorelei
09/08/2011 stagily
10/08/2011 thingumajig
11/08/2011 Nihon
12/08/2011 timesaving
13/08/2011 denationalise
14/08/2011 crosshatch
15/08/2011 reciprocative
16/08/2011 fiduciary
17/08/2011 academe
18/08/2011 tying
19/08/2011 unrentable
20/08/2011 spitz
21/08/2011 reshuffle
22/08/2011 Beaver
23/08/2011 coop
24/08/2011 corrodible
25/08/2011 deep
26/08/2011 pricket
27/08/2011 viral
28/08/2011 spoiler
29/08/2011 Atrichornis
30/08/2011 depressive
31/08/2011 kink
01/09/2011 arsis
02/09/2011 sloe
03/09/2011 postglacial
04/09/2011 polygyny
05/09/2011 leisured
06/09/2011 tetchy
07/09/2011 cleat
08/09/2011 rampion
09/09/2011 consideration
10/09/2011 commemorative
11/09/2011 astylar
12/09/2011 knotty
13/09/2011 commandeer
14/09/2011 untimely
15/09/2011 pseudonym
16/09/2011 Optez
17/09/2011 haircut
18/09/2011 respecter
19/09/2011 grabber
20/09/2011 cryptorchidism
21/09/2011 resistant
22/09/2011 wreathe
23/09/2011 peace
24/09/2011 outscore
25/09/2011 wobble
26/09/2011 arrest
27/09/2011 spare
28/09/2011 discharge
29/09/2011 insignificantly
30/09/2011 polymath
01/10/2011 Norn
02/10/2011 Luddite
03/10/2011 retire
04/10/2011 smile
05/10/2011 attack
06/10/2011 borate
07/10/2011 Antalya
08/10/2011 decimal
09/10/2011 serious
10/10/2011 emf
11/10/2011 ensemble
12/10/2011 monetise
13/10/2011 honey
14/10/2011 pinfish
15/10/2011 stringer
16/10/2011 polypody
17/10/2011 defend
18/10/2011 Didelphis
19/10/2011 board
20/10/2011 goodwill
21/10/2011 perturbation
22/10/2011 caulk
23/10/2011 slot
24/10/2011 Voznesenski
25/10/2011 introject
26/10/2011 inheritable
27/10/2011 Tolkien
28/10/2011 unmechanical
29/10/2011 categorization
30/10/2011 luminiferous
31/10/2011 wampumpeag
01/11/2011 regulation
02/11/2011 completed
03/11/2011 crisis
04/11/2011 awaken
05/11/2011 ladder
06/11/2011 shipwrecked
07/11/2011 sesquipedalia
08/11/2011 quaint
09/11/2011 firmamental
10/11/2011 Polypodium
11/11/2011 dasyurid
12/11/2011 hygienic
13/11/2011 statistical
14/11/2011 staphylococcus
15/11/2011 intraspecies
16/11/2011 Saul
17/11/2011 costard
18/11/2011 lastingness
19/11/2011 Gonne
20/11/2011 first
21/11/2011 occident
22/11/2011 uncorrected
23/11/2011 urinate
24/11/2011 Stravinskian
25/11/2011 offhanded
26/11/2011 handsel
27/11/2011 aetiologist
28/11/2011 homostylous
29/11/2011 zygotic
30/11/2011 push
01/12/2011 unwholesome
02/12/2011 relaxation
03/12/2011 glass
04/12/2011 blasting
05/12/2011 daisylike
06/12/2011 paperbacked
07/12/2011 camp
08/12/2011 andromeda
09/12/2011 launch
10/12/2011 prestigiousness
11/12/2011 fifteenth
12/12/2011 survey
13/12/2011 dirty
14/12/2011 habiliment
15/12/2011 paddock
16/12/2011 aculeated
17/12/2011 grayness
18/12/2011 buy
19/12/2011 spotted
20/12/2011 Endomycetales
21/12/2011 divvy
22/12/2011 uniparous
23/12/2011 drink
24/12/2011 production
25/12/2011 fitful
26/12/2011 navigator
27/12/2011 multiplication
28/12/2011 kabbalism
29/12/2011 encroachment
30/12/2011 finish
31/12/2011 convulse
Past Words of the day
Who Said that ?
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent that is to triumph over old age. - Click here to find out.
Fact of the day
Back in 1796, dimes were called dismes.