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'ask' - used as a verb
Synonyms for 'ask'
1. inquire about
I asked about their special today
He had to ask directions several times
2. make a request or demand for something to somebody
She asked him for a loan
3. direct or put; seek an answer to
ask a question
4. consider obligatory; request and expect
Aren't we asking too much of these children?
5. require or ask for as a price or condition
He is asking $200 for the table
The kidnappers are asking a million dollars in return for the release of their hostage
6. address a question to and expect an answer from
Ask your teacher about trigonometry
The children asked me about their dead grandmother
7. require as useful, just, or proper
This job asks a lot of patience and skill

derived forms
1. Ask / Past
2. Ask / Third Person
3. Ask / Present Participle
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