Accroidng to reasacrh taht was crraeid out by Cmabrigde Uinrevtisy, it deosn't mttaer waht odrer the ltteres of wrods are in as lnog as the frist and lsat leettr of ecah wrod is in the rghit palce. The rset of the ltteers can be in any oderr and sitll be raad and intreprteed corrcelty by msot popele wtih a suripsirngly hgih lveel of accruacy.
The hmuan mnid deosn't raed ecah leettr of a wrod, but iestnad sikms oevr tehm and raeds the wrod as a wlohe, as if it were a shpae or pttaern. The psoitoin of the frist and lsat ltteer are vatil in mikang a frmaewrok for the wrod's shape, but bteween tehm can be a cmeplote mses wothiut a lrage impcat on cemprehonsion.
And wlihe taht may suond cmoptelely amzanig, if you urdenstood all tihs tehn you hvae jsut jioned in privong the phemonanel pewor of the hmuan mnid.