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'reject' - used as a noun
1. the person or thing that is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality

'reject' - used as a verb
2. refuse to accept or acknowledge
I reject the idea of starting a war
The journal rejected the student's paper
3. refuse to accept
4. deem wrong or inappropriate
5. reject with contempt
6. resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ
His body rejected the liver of the donor
7. refuse entrance or membership
Black people were often rejected by country clubs
8. dismiss from consideration or a contest

derived forms
1. Reject / Plural
2. Reject / Past
3. Reject / Third Person
4. Reject / Present Participle
Variations of 'reject'
  • accept
  • admit
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    I was told to avoid the business all together because of the rejection. People would say to me, 'Don't you want to have a normal job and a normal family?' I guess that would be good advice for some people, but I wanted to act. - Click here to find out.
    Fact of the day
    The city of Denver was originally chosen to host the 1976 Winter Olympics, but had to withdraw because Colorado voters rejected to finance it.