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'steady' - used as an adjective
Synonyms for 'steady'
1. not subject to change or variation especially in behavior
a steady beat
a steady job
a steady breeze
a steady increase
a good steady ballplayer
2. not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall
3. securely in position; not shaky
held the ladder steady
4. marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
5. relating to a person who does something regularly
a steady drinker
6. not easily excited or upset
steady nerves

'steady' - used as a adverb
7. in a steady manner

'steady' - used as a noun
8. a person loved by another person

'steady' - used as a verb
9. make steady
steady yourself
10. support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace

derived forms
1. Steady / Plural
2. Steady / Past
3. Steady / Third Person
4. Steady / Present Participle
5. Steady / Comparitive
6. Steady / Superlative
The following are synonyms for 'steady'. Click on any of them to get both Bibliodata's full list of common definitions and a further set of synonyms.
See also
  • unsteady
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