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'straighten' - used as a verb
Synonyms for 'straighten'
1. straighten up or out; make straight
2. make straight
3. get up from a sitting or slouching position
The students straightened when the teacher entered
4. put (things or places) in order
5. straighten by unrolling
6. make straight or straighter
Straighten this post
straighten hair

derived forms
1. Straighten / Past
2. Straighten / Third Person
3. Straighten / Present Participle
The following are synonyms for 'straighten'. Click on any of them to get both Bibliodata's full list of common definitions and a further set of synonyms.
Variations of 'straighten'
  • bend
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    Nolan Ryan is pitching much better now that he has his curve ball straightened out. - Click here to find out.
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