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'strand' - used as a noun
1. a street in west central London famous for its theaters and hotels
2. a pattern forming a unity within a larger structural whole
he tried to pick up the strands of his former life
I could hear several melodic strands simultaneously
3. line consisting of a complex of fibers or filaments that are twisted together to form a thread or a rope or a cable
4. a necklace made by a stringing objects together
a strand of pearls
5. a very slender natural or synthetic fiber
6. a poetic term for a shore (as the area periodically covered and uncovered by the tides)

'strand' - used as a verb
7. leave stranded or isolated with little hope of rescue

derived forms
1. Strand / Plural
2. Strand / Past
3. Strand / Third Person
4. Strand / Present Participle
Variations of 'strand'
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