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Words of the day
Words for 2005
01/01/2005 commix
02/01/2005 sopor
03/01/2005 Platonistic
04/01/2005 patrolman
05/01/2005 adulterator
06/01/2005 interlard
07/01/2005 julep
08/01/2005 algology
09/01/2005 trapeze
10/01/2005 motivation
11/01/2005 manned
12/01/2005 aquiferous
13/01/2005 zoftig
14/01/2005 asymmetric
15/01/2005 floozy
16/01/2005 plumcot
17/01/2005 patka
18/01/2005 anthelion
19/01/2005 Hirudo
20/01/2005 toitoi
21/01/2005 loosen
22/01/2005 supernaturalism
23/01/2005 adipose
24/01/2005 binucleate
25/01/2005 squib
26/01/2005 snuggle
27/01/2005 pacification
28/01/2005 immatureness
29/01/2005 disconcert
30/01/2005 protrusible
31/01/2005 sexpot
01/02/2005 melanize
02/02/2005 paragenesis
03/02/2005 exodus
04/02/2005 daemon
05/02/2005 oceanology
06/02/2005 endangered
07/02/2005 stormy
08/02/2005 superfetation
09/02/2005 tradesman
10/02/2005 Zygnema
11/02/2005 patch
12/02/2005 caseload
13/02/2005 unpainful
14/02/2005 Tewkesbury
15/02/2005 dawdling
16/02/2005 smallmouth
17/02/2005 abjure
18/02/2005 invertebrate
19/02/2005 forgettable
20/02/2005 directorate
21/02/2005 quota
22/02/2005 Salmacis
23/02/2005 colpitis
24/02/2005 biography
25/02/2005 plausibleness
26/02/2005 delocalize
27/02/2005 decretal
28/02/2005 assortment
01/03/2005 poler
02/03/2005 blackstrap
03/03/2005 Lermontov
04/03/2005 obstetrics
05/03/2005 immobilization
06/03/2005 apology
07/03/2005 archdiocesan
08/03/2005 transect
09/03/2005 dribbling
10/03/2005 thermoset
11/03/2005 refulgency
12/03/2005 pneumococcal
13/03/2005 alert
14/03/2005 iterative
15/03/2005 passionflower
16/03/2005 disjointed
17/03/2005 understructure
18/03/2005 inflectional
19/03/2005 modeller
20/03/2005 aftercare
21/03/2005 compressed
22/03/2005 circuitously
23/03/2005 unsolicited
24/03/2005 heedfully
25/03/2005 heatable
26/03/2005 Caryota
27/03/2005 dominion
28/03/2005 prof
29/03/2005 melter
30/03/2005 majesty
31/03/2005 tenderly
01/04/2005 vain
02/04/2005 representational
03/04/2005 potence
04/04/2005 spoon
05/04/2005 atelier
06/04/2005 unbelieving
07/04/2005 regur
08/04/2005 Granada
09/04/2005 shantytown
10/04/2005 7th
11/04/2005 fawner
12/04/2005 exhorter
13/04/2005 dealership
14/04/2005 Vancouver
15/04/2005 niveous
16/04/2005 mumps
17/04/2005 snooker
18/04/2005 notch
19/04/2005 decanal
20/04/2005 setting
21/04/2005 jarl
22/04/2005 devotee
23/04/2005 niccolite
24/04/2005 Vasari
25/04/2005 subjunction
26/04/2005 smiley
27/04/2005 waggish
28/04/2005 pentangular
29/04/2005 perspicuous
30/04/2005 salep
01/05/2005 Podargus
02/05/2005 salvager
03/05/2005 d
04/05/2005 muscovado
05/05/2005 innocently
06/05/2005 weakling
07/05/2005 transportable
08/05/2005 Asteraceae
09/05/2005 Raleigh
10/05/2005 downtime
11/05/2005 penetrate
12/05/2005 tenanted
13/05/2005 municipally
14/05/2005 prevent
15/05/2005 gelded
16/05/2005 Lipchitz
17/05/2005 Wallace
18/05/2005 electrosleep
19/05/2005 propitiousness
20/05/2005 Vergil
21/05/2005 salsify
22/05/2005 unposed
23/05/2005 graded
24/05/2005 praemunire
25/05/2005 tortuosity
26/05/2005 cursed
27/05/2005 cranberry
28/05/2005 polyamide
29/05/2005 rankly
30/05/2005 quadraphonic
31/05/2005 jotter
01/06/2005 sun
02/06/2005 causing
03/06/2005 paleencephalon
04/06/2005 sloppiness
05/06/2005 reprographics
06/06/2005 stochasticity
07/06/2005 indicatory
08/06/2005 Secotiaceae
09/06/2005 burette
10/06/2005 reconquest
11/06/2005 Oldfield
12/06/2005 myosin
13/06/2005 synthetic
14/06/2005 sine
15/06/2005 Pseudotaxus
16/06/2005 Nerva
17/06/2005 nutcake
18/06/2005 zeppelin
19/06/2005 aralia
20/06/2005 pictorially
21/06/2005 mendacity
22/06/2005 photalgia
23/06/2005 planish
24/06/2005 etymological
25/06/2005 unbar
26/06/2005 apophyllite
27/06/2005 magnetise
28/06/2005 supersession
29/06/2005 atomism
30/06/2005 Pashtun
01/07/2005 provoking
02/07/2005 ducking
03/07/2005 charlatanry
04/07/2005 vegeburger
05/07/2005 Bering
06/07/2005 Lapland
07/07/2005 dispossession
08/07/2005 seawater
09/07/2005 lushness
10/07/2005 afterglow
11/07/2005 untier
12/07/2005 planchet
13/07/2005 chevet
14/07/2005 carpophagous
15/07/2005 rake
16/07/2005 excite
17/07/2005 nonunionized
18/07/2005 amorousness
19/07/2005 parallelize
20/07/2005 barb
21/07/2005 serine
22/07/2005 anachronous
23/07/2005 Bali
24/07/2005 Haganah
25/07/2005 sustainability
26/07/2005 gari
27/07/2005 wayfaring
28/07/2005 hydrothorax
29/07/2005 speechlessness
30/07/2005 backing
31/07/2005 workaholic
01/08/2005 blokey
02/08/2005 Trilling
03/08/2005 banqueting
04/08/2005 beplaster
05/08/2005 rockrose
06/08/2005 hypsometer
07/08/2005 Staffa
08/08/2005 indapamide
09/08/2005 retrospect
10/08/2005 commercialism
11/08/2005 eukaryote
12/08/2005 slipper
13/08/2005 brekkie
14/08/2005 provincialist
15/08/2005 shoulder
16/08/2005 gybe
17/08/2005 orthopedist
18/08/2005 attentive
19/08/2005 acetabulum
20/08/2005 maraca
21/08/2005 Nichrome
22/08/2005 paleolith
23/08/2005 sideway
24/08/2005 cub
25/08/2005 everyone
26/08/2005 testiness
27/08/2005 pectoralis
28/08/2005 Thetis
29/08/2005 productive
30/08/2005 salmonellosis
31/08/2005 perfectible
01/09/2005 Dipteryx
02/09/2005 Catostomidae
03/09/2005 downbound
04/09/2005 uveal
05/09/2005 immediately
06/09/2005 comp
07/09/2005 matzo
08/09/2005 reify
09/09/2005 pagan
10/09/2005 halloo
11/09/2005 shatterproof
12/09/2005 declassification
13/09/2005 behindhand
14/09/2005 resit
15/09/2005 excrescent
16/09/2005 eolithic
17/09/2005 woolgather
18/09/2005 achievement
19/09/2005 demonise
20/09/2005 Kinshasa
21/09/2005 riskiness
22/09/2005 pyocyanase
23/09/2005 brontophobia
24/09/2005 voraciously
25/09/2005 Anomalopidae
26/09/2005 spadeful
27/09/2005 tellingly
28/09/2005 pinecone
29/09/2005 Delphic
30/09/2005 iodoform
01/10/2005 Abutilon
02/10/2005 Morta
03/10/2005 scratch
04/10/2005 transferrable
05/10/2005 thickhead
06/10/2005 charily
07/10/2005 mastodon
08/10/2005 cartographical
09/10/2005 smaltite
10/10/2005 chowder
11/10/2005 convert
12/10/2005 Synanceja
13/10/2005 semi
14/10/2005 anoperineal
15/10/2005 overestimate
16/10/2005 indifference
17/10/2005 yarmelke
18/10/2005 broadness
19/10/2005 delightfully
20/10/2005 gallows
21/10/2005 bar
22/10/2005 Tristan
23/10/2005 Serax
24/10/2005 foppishness
25/10/2005 Izanami
26/10/2005 crumple
27/10/2005 mussy
28/10/2005 accrue
29/10/2005 ejaculate
30/10/2005 tip
31/10/2005 parser
01/11/2005 gilder
02/11/2005 advertiser
03/11/2005 woodenness
04/11/2005 incongruously
05/11/2005 forged
06/11/2005 breve
07/11/2005 strongly
08/11/2005 exceedance
09/11/2005 particularized
10/11/2005 Blaberus
11/11/2005 shadower
12/11/2005 convolution
13/11/2005 claymore
14/11/2005 Ctenocephalus
15/11/2005 Luna
16/11/2005 spired
17/11/2005 cloddish
18/11/2005 shouting
19/11/2005 Ulfilas
20/11/2005 exportation
21/11/2005 reasonably
22/11/2005 Krebs
23/11/2005 accentual
24/11/2005 gallant
25/11/2005 impoverish
26/11/2005 neuroglia
27/11/2005 allis
28/11/2005 revitalising
29/11/2005 opportunely
30/11/2005 hotfoot
01/12/2005 amenity
02/12/2005 gamy
03/12/2005 sparky
04/12/2005 squawbush
05/12/2005 Spirulidae
06/12/2005 maximisation
07/12/2005 horribly
08/12/2005 atheistical
09/12/2005 galosh
10/12/2005 spic
11/12/2005 bunchberry
12/12/2005 pinkie
13/12/2005 nourishing
14/12/2005 perfunctory
15/12/2005 dictionary
16/12/2005 Belonidae
17/12/2005 boneless
18/12/2005 earthman
19/12/2005 staphylococcal
20/12/2005 arccosecant
21/12/2005 realign
22/12/2005 unevenness
23/12/2005 undercoat
24/12/2005 seemliness
25/12/2005 cantabile
26/12/2005 competent
27/12/2005 heatstroke
28/12/2005 10
29/12/2005 sclerotinia
30/12/2005 devise
31/12/2005 Wolffiella
Past Words of the day
Who Said that ?
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent that is to triumph over old age. - Click here to find out.
Fact of the day
Ninety-five percent of tropical fish sold in North America originate from Florida.