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Commonly misused words
Certain words in the English language sound extremely similar to each other and are often used incorrectly. It can be very easy to make the same mistakes over and over again when writing letters or emails, and a computer spell check won't pick up the difference as the spelling will be correct.

Altogether and All Together

The word altogether is used to mean entirely while all together is applied to thing or people who are being treated as a group.

Alright and All right

Alright is commonly used however it is not considered standard English and all right is the correct term.

Forward and Foreword

The word forward means towards the front or to send on while the word foreword means an introductory preface or note.

Illusion and Allusion

These words sound very similar however the word illusion means a misconception while the word allusion means an indirect reference.

Capitol and Capital

The word capitol refers to a building in which a legislative assembly meets while the word capital refers to a city that is the official seat of government. The accumulation of wealth is also referred to as capital.

Its and It's

These two words are very commonly misused, its is a possessive form of it while it's is a contraction of it is.

Illicit and Elicit

The word illicit refers to something that is unlawful while the word elicit means to draw something out.

Lightning and Lightening

The word lightning refers to the flashes of light caused by electrical charges during storms while the word lightening means to illuminate.

Past and Passed

The word past refers to time gone by while passed is the past tense of pass.

Principle and Principal

The word principal refers to a person who holds an important role while the word principle means a standard or rule.

Stationery and Stationary

The word stationery refers to writing materials while the word stationary means that something is fixed or unmoving.

Site and Cite

The word site refers to a location while the word cite means to quote as an example or authority.

They're and There and Their

They're is the contraction of they are while there refers to a place and their is the possessive form of they.

Whose and Who's

Whose is the possessive form of who while who's is the contraction of who is.

You're and Your

You're is the contraction of you are while your is the possessive form of you.

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